Learning how to enjoy life sober can be an intimidating experience for many individuals early in recovery. With two dances a year (spring and winter), residents from the program are immersed in fun, positive social functions that serve to bolster self-esteem and confidence. These major events begin with a recovery meeting with guest speakers and end with an evening full of fun, food, raffles and dancing! If you have yet to attend one of our dance functions, don't worry, you'll have the opportunity to do so soon!

Nosotros Alumni Association

NOSOTROS Camping TripS: big bear, ca

Helping Men Reclaim their Lives, Families and Hope.

alumni fundraiser Dances

Annual camping outings serve as men's retreats for many whom have never been afforded the opportunity to bond with nature and other men. This event fosters the healing and growth of absent and/or broken relationships among families and friends. For many, this serves as initial attempt to reconnect with their sons breaking the cycle and detriment that proceeds the absence of a father.